Bless This Day
Another Opportunity to Grow
“Bless this day. And as we bless this day, we realize it was another opportunity to grow: to see, to know, to be.
“These are aspects of Soul: to see, to know, to be. No matter what your age – whether you’re a child, whether you’re very old and have seen all the seasons of life many, many times – as long as you have the love of God in your heart, you will always have this instinctive urge to see another day, and to say good night to this day as Bless this day.”
– Harold Klemp
Love – The Keystone of Life, page 102
What can you do to open yourself to the Divine Endless Melody?
What benefits do you experience when you listen to the Voice of God?
What is your next step? How will this benefit you?
You’re welcome to join us as we explore this topic. Everyone’s insights are welcome as we all have something valuable to share.